BPH - Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate & Complications:
A male organ, the prostate gland is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. The main function is to secrete semen, a milky-colored fluid that nourishes and transports sperm during ejaculation. THE AGE above 40, happens to be a period of prostatic growth for most men. It is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), AN enlarged prostate condition. PROBLEM occurs when there is rapid multiplication of cells in the central portion of the gland, the prostate presses on the urethra and partially blocks OR INTERRUPTS the urine flows.
The prostate gland of a child is the size of a pea. There is a rapid growth spurt at the age of 25, the prostate gland gets fully developed and BECOMES the size of a walnut.
Symptoms include difficulty in urination, ON AND OFF STREAM while urinating, and some time blood in the urine, Post-urination drip, need to exert extra force while urinating. The patient may feel a strong urge to urinate, especially at night; however, he may not be able to empty the bladder completely.
New Non-surgical treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) IS By Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE) which shows better result than open surgeries. PAE can be performed on any size prostate, It does not produce the side effects that TURP /laser surgery does, it is done through a small nick in skin around the groin region, it is A pain less technique & THE PATIENT leaves the hospital in a day after PAE, No sexual dysfunction following prostatic artery embolization and a quarter of patients report that sexual function improved after the procedure. It need just local anesthesia, no blood loss and it makes faster recovery.
Dr. Pradeep Muley M.D.
Senior Consultant Interventional Radiologist
New Delhi – India
New Delhi – India
Mobile or whatsapp - 098104 92778
E-mail - muleypradeep@hotmail.com
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